They say that the path to hell is paved with good intentions it seems this new book is one such paving. The last remaining chants of the sacred ministers which have survived to the present as ad libitum cantillations have been wiped away by a solitary tome!
Could they not have opted for simply pointing the text? Is the book to remain on the altar beside the missal to be clumsily interchanged as needed. Sounds like fussy bad liturgy to me. It won't do! If a man can read the chant from a book sounds to me like he should jolly well take the time to learn to apply the rules and point his own text. Such a lot of nonsense! I just can't get over the huberus of this book - replacing a tradition, as Dr Mary Berry always liked to remind us, that went back to the Temple itself!
Francis in "critical condition"
Blood transfusions were necessary and prognosis remains guarded.The Holy
See Press Office issued the following medical update on Pope Francis on
Saturday e...
3 hours ago
With a predictable lack of discernment for real Liturgical Tradition and principles "THE GREAT" Father Zed has pronounced on a new book:
I'm so upset that you could permit any comments critical of our Great Father John Zuhlsdorf. With great courage, Father has given away a normal priestly ministry in order to devote himself entirely to his Blog "What does the Prayer Really Say?"
Everyone loves Father's Blog and has received wonderful guidance and insight. We also love his cooking tips and to read about what he eats, day to day. Father is ALWAYS right about EVERYTHING. Please remove the adverse comments about him. It's terrible.
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