They say that the path to hell is paved with good intentions it seems this new book is one such paving. The last remaining chants of the sacred ministers which have survived to the present as ad libitum cantillations have been wiped away by a solitary tome!
Could they not have opted for simply pointing the text? Is the book to remain on the altar beside the missal to be clumsily interchanged as needed. Sounds like fussy bad liturgy to me. It won't do! If a man can read the chant from a book sounds to me like he should jolly well take the time to learn to apply the rules and point his own text. Such a lot of nonsense! I just can't get over the huberus of this book - replacing a tradition, as Dr Mary Berry always liked to remind us, that went back to the Temple itself!
The Feast of St Peter’s Chair 2025
Truly it is worthy and just, right and profitable to salvation to praise
Thee, o God, who art wondrous in thy Saints, and in them hast greatly been
3 hours ago